Pierina is located in the district of Jangas, province of Huaraz, department of Ancash, 13 kilometers from the town of Jangas, between 3,800 and 4,200 meters high. It’s an open-ended operation.
Anddes contributes to the success of the Pierina project, through:
- Detail engineering of the Bravo mine access variant 22.
- Construction quality assurance (CQA) for the construction of the buttress at the foot of the dump.
- Preparation of the file for the modification of the concession of benefit for the project of the new facilities in the leachate pile.
- Basic engineering and detail including: leach pad spillway overflow channel, drive line from the external POP pool to the internal POP, drive line from the external POP pool to the existing pipe line, overflow channel of the external POP pool.
- Preparation of the file for the modification of the concession of benefit for the project of the new facilities in the leachate pile.
- Basic engineering and detail including: leach pad spillway overflow channel, drive line from the external POP pool to the internal POP, drive line from the external POP pool to the existing pipe line, overflow channel from the external POP pool.
- Preparation of the technical file for the modification of the concession of benefit for the expansion of the leachate pile.
- Detail engineering of the PCN02 sedimentation pool of 150,000 m3.
- Geotechnical research in the area of the future PCN02 pool, adjacent slopes, where the Angascocha dam and quarries will be designed.
- Review of detailed engineering studies of PCN01 and PCN03 ponds and 1, 2 and 3 ponds for the development of electromechanical engineering for the current and projected rainy season to the final design.
- Hydrological-hydraulic review of the channels forming the PCN01 and PCN03 pond system.
- CQA of the construction of the PCN 02 pond and auxiliary facilities.
- CQA of the clean water and sediment drive line.
- It includes piping, installation of pumps and instrumentation and concrete works linked to the project.
- Detailed engineering of the second section of the Skimmer connecting the PCN02 pool with the PCN01 pool.
- Detailed engineering of the coating of the slopes of the contact water pools of the Pucauran creek and verification of the integrity of the current clay coating.
- Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) of earthmoving activities, subdrenage system, installation of geosynthetics, concrete works and other activities, as well as the quality verifications of laboratory soil tests or field tests carried out by the contractor.