Dynamic analysis of a filtered tailings deposit with simplified and numerical methods
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5D planning in earthworks mining constructions in hilly topography
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A comparative study of the bivariate statistical methods and the AHP method for the asessment of mass movement susceptibility
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Changes in water management during heap leach lifetime in heavy-rainfall sites
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Criteria to estimate and use peak and residual shear strength of interfaces in heap leach pads design
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Statistical functions for the development of heap leach pads cost estimation
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Analysis of non-linear shear resistance envelopes of the soil-geomembrane interface and its influence on the stability of leach pads
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High-rise wall reinforced with geomes
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Cost assessment for different scenarios incorporating raincoats in operation leaching pads
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Three-dimensional analysis of slope stability of a mine waste spill
Junio de 2013, lima - Perú
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Review of the design and construction of a battery leaching platform for safe operation
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Leaching platform design In stacks in very aggressive terrain
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