1. Servicios 1
Multidisciplinary solutions
Our services adopt a multidisciplinary vision that guarantees the safety and sustainability of your project

Select our solutions according to your interest

Water Resources
Water Resources

Our team, together with our strategic partners, consists of a large nucleus of engineers and specialists in geology, hydrogeology, hydrochemistry and geochemistry, who have extensive and proven experience to cover the multidisciplinary topics involved in the studies, ranging from project design and management, planning of field work, implementation and acquisition of data, up to the complex numerical modeling of the systems involved in surface or underground mining operations.

We cover all hydrogeological aspects involved with the interaction of waters and mining components.

Description of Services

  • Exploration and exploitation of underground water resources.
  • Hydrogeological characterization of porous and fractured media.
  • Predictions of the interaction of water and components (dewatering of mines, effluents in waste and tailings deposits, leach pads).
  • Evaluation of acid drainage and leaching of metals.
  • Monitoring and quality control.
  • Management of contaminated sites and environmental liabilities.
  • Mine closure support.

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