It is an open pit copper mine, located 30 kilometers from the city of Moquegua and 840 kilometers from the city of Lima.
Anddes contributes to the success of the Cuajone project, by:
- Geotechnical recommendations for the foundation of the Phase IV leaching pad and the New Maintenance Bays in the Dump Truck Workshop.
- Basic and detailed engineering of Stage IV Stage III leaching pad.
- Geotechnical study of sedimentation of slopes and settlements of the overland strip of 7 km.
- Update of the seismic hazard study and modification of the sidewalk of Phase IV Stage III of the leaching pad.
- Geotechnical study and recommendations to determine the foundation conditions in the area where the new tailings thickener is projected.
- Physical stability study of the leaching pad.
- Physical stability study of the current leaching pad configuration and detailed engineering design of the physical stabilization alternative.
- Physical stability study of the leaching pad – Phase IV.