Anddes contributes to the success of the UP Cotonga and Pucarrajo project, through:
- Physical stability of the former Pajuscocha relay (UP Contonga).
- Physical stability of the Oasis tailpipe (UP Pucarrajo).
- Stability and closing engineering of the E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, E11 and E14 (UP Pucarrajo) dismantling tanks.
- Closing engineering of B9, B10, B11, B27 and B28, and CH3, CH8, CH9, CH10, CH11, CH12 and CH13 (UP Pucarrajo) fireplaces.
- Modification of mining environmental liabilities closure plan.
- Feasibility engineering for the closure of the Pajuscocha tailings depot.
- Use and arrangement of the cutting material (tailings) for construction purposes in the new taillight, alone or mixed with felling.
- Modification of Concession of Benefit for the extension of the concentrator plant to 2000 TMD to obtain the construction permit.
- Basic engineering of the tailings dam, for the arrangement and placement of filtered tailings and of the filtered tailings plant.