Corani is the silver, lead and zinc project that has three open-pit exploitable deposits. is one of the largest unexploded silver deposits in the world and covers an area of 5.180ha.
Anddes contributes to the success of the Corani project by:
- Geotechnical study for the following facilities: primary crusher, ore stacking, ball mill, SAG mill, substation, flotation cells, concentrate thickener, tailings thickener, truck workshop, administrative building.
- Hydrobiological monitoring of the Corani project.
- Feasibility study for the improvement of the access road to the Corani project.
- Section: Section: Huiquisa (Pe-34b Km 183) – Tantamaco (Emp. Pu 500) – Isivilla (Pu 500); Isivilla (R45, R47) – Jarapampa (R45) Corani project. It includes 2 bridges, a pontoon and artwork in the 32 km development.
- Biological monitoring 2015 of the Corani project, includes monitoring of terrestrial flora and fauna, wet and dry seasons, and hydrobiological monitoring.
- Monitoring of terrestrial flora and fauna. Wet and dry seasons.
- Pre-investment study at profile level to obtain the SNIP code for section 1 of the Macusani – Isivilla – Corani – Aymaña highway, and the section Isivilla – Jarapampa – Chacaconiza – Quelcaya.
- Monitoring of terrestrial and hydrobiological flora and fauna, medium and dry seasons. Update of the engineering detail of Phase I.
- Includes landfill clearance-tailings, water dams, water management.
- Study of pit slope design for slope stabilization purposes.
- Geotechnical evaluation for the pit dump of the Corani pit (physical stability) for years 9, 10 and 11.
- Design of the Basic Tank Engineering for filtered tailings and inert rock material, water pond, design of pit slopes in 4 bofedal zones and review of the hydrology and hydrogeology of the Corani basin.
- Terrestrial flora and fauna monitoring. Seasons: wet and dry.
- Preparation of the soil monitoring programme to complete the recommendations of Report N° 290-2017-MEM-DGAAM/DNAM/DGAM/C.
- Feasibility-level design of the main access to the Corani project, based on topographic information, hydrological and geotechnical studies and design criteria.