Constable is an underground deposit of copper, gold and silver. It is located in the province of Cañete, in the Lima Region, Peru 3 km away from the Pan-American Highway, at an altitude of 100-400 meters above sea level.
Anddes contributes to the success of the Condestable project by:
- Field inspection of tailings depots and preparation of Technical Memo.
- Development of arrangements for the optimization and increase of the capacity of tailings tanks N° 1, 3 and 4.
- Optimization and modification of the design of tailings tank N°5. Simulation of tailings dam break N°4 in 02 scenarios.
- Selection of alternative tailings deposit locations for a period of 30 years.
- Modification of the Environmental Impact Statement of the Punta Colorada Mining Exploration Project.
- Preparation of the file to obtain the operating authorization for the construction of the tailings dam N° 5. Detailed engineering and growth plan of the tailings dam partially with mine clearance.
- ITS for presentation to the MEM. Analysis of the current stability conditions of the tailings dam.
- Design of the temporary collection of clearing downstream of the tailings dam.
- Study of tradeoff for the best configuration of DR N°5 within the approved footprint at MEIA.
- Engineering detail of the alternative selected from DR N°5.
- Optimization of hydrocyclones.
- Detailed engineering of the growth of DR N° 4 to 253 m above sea level.
- Supporting Technical Report (ITS) for DR N° 4 and DR N° 5.
- Feasibility study of DR N° 6. Report on the stability of tailings deposits N°1-3.
- Second modification of the detailed environmental impact study (II MEIAd).
- Modification of the closure plan considering the implementation of the phasing-out measures for old mining operations.
- Study of tradeoff and detailed engineering of the tailings pumping system that feeds hydrocyclones and transport lines.
- Mine closure plan updated.