The value of worker on labor day

May 1st or Labor Day, as it is known in various parts of the world, continues to be an emblematic date since it allows the recognition of labor rights, which go hand in hand with human dignity, the beginning and end to be achieved. For this reason, more than a celebration, it is a commemorative date, in which we remember the struggles and rights achieved for workers, among which are included the working day of no more than eight hours, vacations, social security, payment of holidays, the right to unionize and strike, the right to minimum wage, among others, labor claims obtained by workers over the years, whose historic feat began in the late 1880s in Chicago, USA.

Times have changed and before the pandemic, we lived in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, ambiguous complex), due to the lack of certainty and clarity in the environment in which we move. Then, with the pandemic, we show a high degree of vulnerability and a great need for solidarity due to the fears generated by COVID 19, which had devastating effects on the world of work, destroying jobs, companies, and ventures, plunging millions of people into poverty. , and causing a setback in world development.

Therefore, a recovery centered on people, with justice and equity, in the social and labor spheres, which generates sustainable and inclusive development for all, is necessary. Both employers and workers must aim towards this, generating employment and guaranteeing decent working conditions for all workers; evidencing respect for their rights, promoting dialogue and keeping intact our fair expectation of forging a better future.

The crisis has forced us to reflect and make changes in our way of interacting with others, adopting new commitments in favor of putting people at the center, seeking a world of work with equality, equity and dignity for all.

The pandemic is passing and we begin to live in a BANI environment (fragile, anxious, unpredictable and with little tolerance for different proposals), which, added to the VUCA environment and the notorious increase in the millennial and centennial generation in the world of work, forces us to rethink an environment of much disruption and change; the new generations are redefining the concept of how we work and how we live.

For this reason, today more than before, we need to quickly unlearn and relearn, since more flexibility and new leadership styles are required, personal well-being, mental and emotional health programs, inclusion and diversity, being part of important decisions in companies, professional development , creativity, among other skills.

We can see that there are different ways to satisfy the needs or expectations of workers, between what happened between 1886 and 1889 and today, however, basically it is always about putting the worker first, giving him his real value. In companies, processes, technology and people coexist; For this reason, on Labor Day, I extend my greetings to those who make the country a permanent space for development. It is important to highlight that the time has come to return to the person, the most valuable asset in the company, without it, the two other axes mentioned, could not function properly.

In companies, processes, technology and people coexist; For this reason, on Labor Day, I extend my greetings to those who make the country a permanent space for development, and it is important to highlight that the time has come to return to the person, the most valuable asset in the company.

Juan Carlos Vallejos

Juan Carlos Vallejos

Manager of Talent Management

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