Advances and Challenges in Applied Geology to the Mining Industry: Experiences, Hazard Mitigation, Sustainability, and Technology

EN EN Avances y Desafíos en la Geología Aplicada a la Industria Minera: Experiencias, Mitigación de Peligros, Sostenibilidad y Tecnología En esta entrevista con José Hinojosa, Jefe de Geología de Anddes Perú, exploramos su experiencia en proyectos mineros, destacando la importancia de la geología en el éxito de dichos proyectos. Hinojosa comparte sus enfoques para […]

World Climate Day and Climate Change Adaptation

ES ES World Climate Day and Climate Change Adaptation Do you know what climate is? It refers to the average weather in terms of mean and variability over a specific period of time and area. In some cases, these averages may be calculated over 30 years. NOAA (2023) Do you know what climate change is? […]

Peruvian Geologist Day: Highlighting the vital role of geology in Peru

ES ES Peruvian Geologist Day: Highlighting the vital role of geology in Peru Peruvian Geologist’s Day is celebrated on September 17. This date honors geology professionals in the country and highlights the importance of their work in the exploration and study of the earth. It is attributed to the illustrious Carlos Lissón Beingolea, known as […]

Anddes: Expanding its purpose and engineering services to new regional horizons

ES ES News Anddes: Expanding its purpose and engineering services to new regional horizons Check the note here Related news Home About Us Corporative Governance Our Clients Our Experts Our Pillars Environmental Engineering Construction Geotechnical Laborator News Events Papers Contact us Join Anddes Apply About Us Home About Us Corporate Governance Our Clients Our Experts […]

Going deeper into geotechnics: An interview with Luis Rivas

ES ES Going deeper into geotechnics: An interview with Luis Rivas Going deeper into geotechnics: An interview with Luis Rivas This interview provides a detailed insight into the key technical skills and knowledge in our geotechnical manager’s career and his critical role in the mining industry. The interviewee shares experiences in notable projects, his approach […]

Application of stable isotopes O-18 and H-2 in the evaluation of water resources

ES ES News Application of stable isotopes O-18 and H-2 in the evaluation of water resources Check the note here Related news Home About Us Corporative Governance Our Clients Our Experts Our Pillars Environmental Engineering Construction Geotechnical Laborator News Events Papers Contact us Join Anddes Apply About Us Home About Us Corporate Governance Our Clients […]

Anddes: Cutting-edge geomechanical solutions for the closure of underground mining projects

ES ES News Anddes: Cutting-edge geomechanical solutions for the closure of underground mining projects Check the note here Related news Home About Us Corporative Governance Our Clients Our Experts Our Pillars Environmental Engineering Construction Geotechnical Laborator News Events Papers Contact us Join Anddes Apply About Us Home About Us Corporate Governance Our Clients Our Experts […]