Data integration and management of plans and maps for geotechnical projects: An interview with Jenny Vásquez

Ingeniería geotécnica

How do we optimize processes, integrate data and solve challenges at Anddes? Jenny Vásquez's approach

In the world of geotechnical engineering, precision and efficiency in the preparation of plans and maps are essential to guarantee the success of projects.
In this interview, we talk about the experience and knowledge of Jenny Vásquez, a prominent Anddes professional, who leads the Geoprocesses team.
Throughout this interview, we will explore the innovative strategies you use to improve the quality of geotechnical deliverables, from geospatial data integration to interdisciplinary collaboration.

What is your approach to improving efficiency and accuracy in the drawing and mapping processes for geotechnical projects?

In the development of these deliverables we consider several strategies:
We rely on the use of specific design and analysis software such as AutoDesk and ArcGIS among others. These programs allow us to create detailed plans and maps more quickly and accurately, with specialized tools to represent geological and geotechnical features.
We incorporate geospatial data into the design process such as topographic information and geotechnical exploration data, this helps us have more accurate plans.
We work with scripts to automate repetitive tasks in the preparation of plans and use libraries of symbols and standardized templates for disciplines such as Geology, Geomechanics; Geotechnics and Geophysics that can be reused in multiple geotechnical projects.
We employ quality control that includes reviews and verification of plans by experienced professionals in the internal routing process, this helps identify and correct errors before finalizing the plans.

How do you address the challenges in integrating geospatial data in the preparation of maps and plans for geotechnical projects?

The challenges to integrating this data involve a few steps, we make sure to collect a wide range of relevant geospatial data, including topographic and geotechnical data.
On the other hand, we are always implementing the integration of geospatial data into a centralized GIS platform. This facilitates access to updated information by the entire team and prevents data dispersion.
We always stay up to date with the latest geospatial technologies and regularly evaluate whether the tools we use are the most appropriate for the deliverables we make. In this sense, Anddes supports us with continuous training since a solid understanding of the use of software applied to design of plans is very important.

How do you foster collaboration and teamwork between the Geoprocesses team and other areas within Anddes?

Much of the process of preparing plans and maps is based on interdisciplinary collaboration. We encourage collaboration between the drafters of plans and the leaders of disciplines in areas such as Geotechnics, Geology, Geomechanics and Geophysics. We are also in constant communication with areas such as Control. of Projects and Documentary Control, who provide us with the support to know the status of the deliverables, for us it is essential to know the delivery dates because we know that if we comply with them we are doing our job well, we have no doubt that Effective communication between different teams guarantees the quality of the plans and maps.

What is your approach to identifying and solving problems in the development of Geoprocess deliverables?

Problem solving is part of the day-to-day coordination work in the Geoprocessing area. For example, if we notice that the standards are not being met on a specific plan or map, we make this a priority and focus on solving it. We are always willing to provide support in that regard.
We also maintain open communication and use clear and regular communication channels through periodic coordination meetings and online collaboration tools, an example of this is the review of plans in the internal routing process, which is done virtually without make use of printing.
Something that we encourage internally is cross-training in the quality control of the plans: different members of the Geoprocesses area observe the standards of a single plan, thus we have different perspectives when controlling observations.
We also carry out training between different areas, as part of the company’s integrated management system we are constantly reinforcing the steps of internal routing, the delivery of information to prepare plans and other processes that allow us to continually improve.

Jenny Vásquez

Jenny Vásquez

Geoprocesses Coordinator