Webinar on the experience in the use of geosynthetics and their various applications in the mining industry, in facilities such as waste rock dumps, ponds, leach pads and tailings dams. Also, the concept of interfaces with geosynthetics, the considerations for their use and installation depending on the existing ground conditions and some geotechnical laboratory tests required for the design with geosynthetics will be explained.
We share the topics that we will discuss:
1. Uses of various types of geosynthetics in mining: geomembrane, GCL; geotextile, geonet, geocomposite, pipes, geogrids, geowebs
2. Examples of mining facilities using geosynthetics
3. Geotechnical laboratory tests
4. Considerations in the use of geosynthetics: installation of sub-drains, selection of soil lining or GCL, protection of the lining on aggressive slopes, technical aspects for the use of GCL, geomembrane lining, protection of geomembrane under loads, collection of leachates, pipeline protection, overliner installation, geoelectric leak detection, interlayer coatings, raincoats in leach pads, geosynthetics in ponds.