On May 14 and 15, the II Tailings Dam Safety Review Workshop will be held at the Belmond Miraflores Park hotel. This will feature the participation of three instructors from the Dam Safety Committee of the Canadian Tailings Dam Association or, in English, the Canadian Dam Association (CDA) and two representatives from Anddes.
This event is organized by Anddes, the CDA and with the support of the Canada Peru Chamber of Commerce. The workshop aims to present the concepts and processes developed in the standards of the tailings dam safety guide and tailings safety review technical bulletin belonging to the CDA, whose approach is used in several large projects involving dams of tailings in Canada, Chile and Peru.
It is intended for tailings dam owners or operators, consultants and regulators who want to know what the Canadian Tailings Dam Association considers good practice in tailings dam safety review.
Workshop Dynamics
In the workshop, which will have simultaneous translation (English to Spanish), a case study of a tailings dam will be presented and the attendees will be organized into groups to work on the following topics:
– Tailings dam safety review approach under CDA standard.
– Development of the analysis of failure risk control modes through the safety review.
– Guide for the presentation of the results of the safety review of tailings dams.
– Safety considerations for mining projects.
The CDA Dam Safety Review Technical Bulletin will be included as part of the workshop and as a handout, while the Tailings Dam Safety Guide will be available for sale to attendees.
About the instructors
Andy Small (P. Eng.) Is Director of Dam Safety and Mining Environmental at Wood Group. He is a geotechnical engineer with 30 years of experience in embankment dam design, dam safety, water management, construction and inspection, environmental engineering, and mine waste management. He has been the leader in more than 20 dam safety reviews for mining dams and conventional dams, and has participated in more than 50 dam safety reviews. Mr. Small has been an active member of the Canadian Dam Association (CDA) for over 16 years, including four on the Board of Directors. He received the CDA Peter Halliday Award for voluntary contributions to the organization. He served as Chairman of the CDA Mining Dam Committee, which developed the Technical Bulletin: Application of Dam Safety Guidelines to Mining Dams. Currently, he continues to lead working groups that develop additional guidance related to mining dams, including the role of Engineer of Record, tailings dam rupture analysis, classification of the environmental consequences of mining dams, and determining when a structure can no longer be used. be subject to the dam’s safety criteria.
Chad LePoudre (P. Eng.) Is Vice President of Geoscience & Materials Testing at SNC-Lavalin and past President of the Canadian Dam Association. He has been the project manager for large tailings management expansions, from permitting to design and construction. His specialties include dam safety management; mining tailings engineering; Geotechnical engineering; environmental evaluation; numerical modeling of geotechnical problems; slope stability / filtration; installation and monitoring of advanced geotechnical instrumentation, including the application of real-time monitoring systems; site characterization and stratigraphic interpretation; risk analysis with respect to slope stability and geotechnical engineering; geo hazards; design and implementation of containment and remediation measures for pollutants; geological and geotechnical mapping; registration and interpretation.
Terry Oswell is a civil engineer with more than 20 years of experience in dam safety, civil hydroelectric engineering, and geotechnics. She has been the Dam Safety Program Engineer at BC Hydro for more than 10 years, managing the Dam Safety Review program, as well as updating the Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance Manuals and interpreting the Dam Safety Regulations. of BC.
Ms. Oswell has worked in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Indonesia. His experience includes five years of dam inspection, surveillance and reporting; geotechnical investigations for mining; and geotechnical mapping for dam foundations, power foundations and energy tunnels. She is an effective instructor in the Dam Safety Review workshop, providing practical examples of engineering problems and a dam owner’s perspective. In addition, she has been the leader of the CDA working group that developed the Technical Bulletin: Dam Safety Reviews for publication in September 2016. Her participation was crucial in the development of the associated workshop and in its distribution in Canada, United States , Australia, Chile and Peru. She remains responsible for the quality of the workshop and its customization for different types of dams. Currently, he is a member of the CDA Board of Directors and chairs the Professional Development Committee.
General Information of the Workshop
The event will be held on May 14 and 15 at the Belmond Miraflores Park hotel on Av. Malecón de la Reserva 1035, Miraflores.
This includes:
– CDA Dam Safety Review Bulletin
– Lunches and coffee breaks
– Certificates for attendees
Ask for your registration form at: marketing@anddes.com